Odoo Platform Status

Security Maintenance of Odoo

Security Maintenance of Odoo
Production instances Integration and Labs instances
 -  (UTC)

title: Instabliliy of services date: '2021-10-01T01:30:00.322Z' duration: 30 severity: major-outage affectedsystems:

  • production
  • integration_labs resolved: true modified:'2021-10-01T01:30:00.322Z'

Dear customers,

On Thursday, 1 October 2021 between 01:00 and 04:30 the platform was no longer accessible. The problem has been solved.

The Odoo load balancer (entry point) experienced a service interruption.

The Odoo instances were not impacted but were no longer accessible from the outside. Scheduled tasks and outgoing communications were not impacted.

BI/ODBC access was interrupted.

In case of problems, please do not hesitate to open an incident on support-business@camptocamp.com.

Thank you for your understanding.